Popped pool is a term we use to describe a swimming pool that has lifted out of the ground. I will give you a few tips on how to prevent this and what can cause it. Once this happens it is VERY expensive to fix and usually requires redoing the entire pool.

What causes a popped pool?

The main cause of this is Hydrostatic Pressure. This refers to the force that water exerts upon other objects when it is not in motion. You have hydrostatic pressure from inside the pool when its full and from outside. When the pool is full these forces cancel each other out. When you drain the pool then you have much greater pressure from outside the pool which can lift the shell from the ground.

But I need to drain my pool, what can I do?

Lets face it, every pool will need to be drained at some point in its lifespan. There are ways you can prevent a popped pool when these times come up. Most pools have hydrostatic relief plugs you can remove at the bottom of the pool. If you are just removing water to lower your tds(total dissolved solids) you can just remove half the water at a time. If you need to fully remove all of the water make sure you work quick and refill it within a week. And last but not least make sure you have proper drainage around the pool. Excess ground water can increase exterior hydrostatic pressure so be sure to drain the area properly.

When in doubt, hire a professional!

Swimming pools are a expensive investment. If you are uncomfortable with the notion of draining your pool be sure to hire a professional. These people have the knowledge and insurance to cover anything that may happen. If you need to have your pool inspected you can give us a call at 407-633-1661 or visit our website.