If you are in the southeastern part of the US you know all about humidity and how it can affect your comfort. Clients often ask if they need a dehumidifier for their home and the answer is almost always YES! There are all sorts of dehumidifiers for your home that range from stand-alone units to whole house units that tie into your hvac system.

Types of dehumidifiers

There are two types of dehumidifiers one can buy for their home. They can get a stand-alone unit that is portable and you keep in one area of your house. These can vary in sizes and the amount of water per day that they can remove. Most residential sizes are 30-70 pint units. These are great if you are on a budget & don’t need it for year round use. The other is a whole house unit that usually ties into your hvac systems ductwork. These are much more powerful & efficient at removing humidity from the home. They are much more expensive though as most units start at $1000 for just the system itself plus install.

Why do I need a dehumidifier for my house?

If you are in a humid part of the country then you will most likely need one. Most of the time in the summer your a/c system will be running and will remove the humidity. But when the weather starts to cool and the system doesn’t run long enough to remove the humidity that’s when levels start to rise. The more people/pets live in the house the higher the humidity is going to be. Also if your house was built to tighter tolerances and/or has spray foam then you may also need one. Tight homes do not naturally breath as well and will trap humidity if not ventilated.

What levels does humidity become an issue?

If you do not feel the need for a dehumidifier then just make sure to have a humidistat in your home. This is to monitor the humidity levels to make sure they do not get too elevated. When you have elevated humidity in the +60% range then you run the risk for mold to develop as well as a number of other health issues.

If you are having indoor air quality issues and would like us to come inspect your home for you feel free to book with us here.