Dirty a/c coils can cause all sorts of issues with a hvac system. Keeping these key components clean of dirt & dust will go along way in making sure your system keeps working properly. One thing I make sure I do on every inspection is to take a photo of the a/c coils and put it in the report. If they look dirty and need to be cleaned, I note that in the report so that the buyer can have the seller clean them before moving in.
What is the purpose of the a/c coils?
A typical split system is one where a condenser unit is outside and a air handler located inside. Inside the air handler you will find the a/c coils. Here warm air from inside the unit will pass through them and the heat will be extracted and transferred outside. Through this process of heat extraction you get cold air that is carried throughout your home. This is how a HVAC system actually cools the air in the home.
What if I have dirty a/c coils?
Over time dust and debris will sneak past the air filter and stick to the coils. Though this process can take some time it can eventually lead to total blockage of air flow. This can lead to reduced air flow over the coils and actually cause the system to freeze over! The only fix for that would be to shut down the system and wait for the coils to thaw out. Not a fun time in the middle of summer in Florida.

But how do I clean my a/c coils?
I always recommend having a professional tackle these jobs. But if one were to try and save some money by doing it themselves it’s actually quite easy. Take a drive down to your local hardware store and purchase some coil cleaner. Or if you are lazy like me you can order it on Amazon. First you shut the power off to the system in the breaker panel. Next remove the screws holding the cover on. Then you will spray the coils generously with the entire can of foam and wait 10-15 mins. DO NOT SCRUB THE COILS! If your unit is especially dirty you will want to hire a professional to do this.

Annual maintenance is key!
Maintaining a clean system is key to a proper running unit. It is also key to keeping it running for a very long time. We say the average lifespan for a HVAC system is 15 years here in Orlando Florida. With proper maintenance getting a few more years out of that is not out of the question.
If you would like us to come out and inspect your HVAC system feel free to contact us at 407-633-1661 or email Ocoeehomeinspections@gmail.com